What Have I Been Up To? October

October was too short, as usual, but I actually had a lot of fun watching movies and shows and reading. Usually, I bog myself down with a lot of books and movies. This year, I went with the flow and tried to take unnecessary pressure off myself to read and watch a million things toContinue reading “What Have I Been Up To? October”

The Big Ten, Part 2: Look, creating a film’s mood and aesthetic

In this article, I will explain how style, backgrounds, and character designs create the look of any given animated film. Vision, the design or style to match the story Once animators have a story in mind, it is pivotal to strive for a particular artistic style or VISION to tell it well. Ralph Bakshi, whoContinue reading “The Big Ten, Part 2: Look, creating a film’s mood and aesthetic”

Over the Garden Wall (2014) Review

Created by Patrick Mchale, known best for his work on Adventure Time for Cartoon Network, Over the Garden Wall came out November 2014. I heard about this show yesterday from a youtube reviewer and became curious. I love Halloween and old American folk tales so this show’s overall premise seemed intriguing enough for me toContinue reading “Over the Garden Wall (2014) Review”